Search Cheatsheet ====== All of following syntax can be used in searches, in any order. You only need to type as much of the word as necessary for it to be recognised: E.g. "=tom" is enough to search for "=tomorrow" Simple ------ - Word `harry` - Multiple words `harry roof fall` - Exclude words `harry -roof` - Phrases `"harry fell off roof"` - Or search `harry | roof` - Simple date `=24-Jul-2009` - Before/after `<24-jul-2010 >24-Jul-2010` - Date range `24-jul-2009..24-aug-2009` - Tags `#harry` Intervals `=` ------ - Yesterday `=yesterday` - Today `=today >today <today` - Tomorrow `=tomorrow` - Day `=day =2day =10day` - Week `=week =2week` - Month `=month =6month` - Year `=year >year <year` - Past `=past` - Future `=future` *NOTE: Day, week, month, year, all accept a number before the word (no spaces!), meaning the number of intervals* States `*` ------ - Todo `*todo` - Next `*next` - Wait `*wait` - Maybe `*maybe` - Done `*done` Filters `#` ------ - Next `#next` - Soon `#soon` - Wait `#wait` - Maybe `#maybe` - Todo `#todo` - Done `#done` - Due `#due` Sorting `/ \` ------ - Task `/task \task` - Late `#late` - State `/state \state` - Date `/date \date` - Project `/project \project` - Multiple `#harry \date` - Multiple `=week | *next \date` *NOTE:* - `/` means search "ascending (a-z, or dates going up) - `\` means "descending" (z-a, dates going down) **Happy searching!**
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